ASFS PTA Directory

The online ASFS PTA Directory is the primary way parents may communicate with each other. Parents may choose to opt into the directory at any time via ParentVUE, and you may customize what personal information is displayed under Settings in the Directory. You can search for students by name, grade, or teacher, and we encourage all ASFS families to opt into the ASFS PTA Student Directory in order to connect and stay in touch with fellow ASFS families!

2024-25 ASFS PTA Directory

Reminder: All parents and guardians must opt into the ASFS PTA Student Directory each year (for each APS student) via ParentVUE as part of the APS Online Back-toSchool Packet (OBTSP). The OBTSP typically opens in late August for the upcoming school year.

How to Opt Into the ASFS PTA Directory:

  1. Login to ParentVUE with your User Name and Password.*
  2. Open the Online Back to School Packet link and follow the instructions.
  3. On the Student tab, under the PTA Student Directory Opt-In, PTA Directory Participation, select ‘Opt-in to release family information in the PTA Directory.'
  4. This must be completed for each student.

*Note to first time users of ParentVUE: If you need your individual activation code, please contact the ASFS Front Office at 703.228.7670.

ASFS PTA Directory Notes:

*Additional information is available on the ParentVUE webpage, including details on the Online Back to School Packet webpage.

ASFS Staff Directory

For the most up to date list of ASFS staff, please visit the Staff Directory on the ASFS Website.